Do Lead

IDR 229.000
Real-world leadership is very different from all that the media would have us believe. Forget the dashing swashbuckler - effective leadership is typically understated. It's the myriad small things that make the big things possible.

In Do Lead, Les McKeown demolishes the myths that have paralysed leadership in our modern era, then provides new, relevant tools for the job. You'll discover that we can all lead. And what's more, we should. Because effective leadership is goal-oriented, not people-oriented. It's about the person with the right skills putting themselves forward. Find out:

- The mind-set required
- The basic leadership toolkit
- Techniques for dealing with the (inevitable) failures
- How to get started.

Whether you are new to the game or reigniting a dormant passion, start leading from where you are, right now, and make a difference.

You can lead. Yes, you.

Cover : Softcover
Author : Les McKeown
Language : English
ISBN : 9781907974175

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