HBR Guide to Thinking Strategically

IDR 399.000
Bring strategy into your daily work.

It's your responsibility as a manager to ensure that your work--and the work of your team--aligns with the overarching objectives of your organization. But when you're faced with competing projects and limited time, it's difficult to keep strategy front of mind. How do you keep your eye on the long term amid a sea of short-term demands?

The HBR Guide to Thinking Strategically provides practical advice and tips to help you see the big-picture perspective in every aspect of your daily work, from making decisions to setting team priorities to attacking your own to-do list.

You'll learn how to:

- Understand your organization's strategy
- Align your team around key objectives
- Focus on the priorities that matter most
- Spot trends in your company and in your industry
- Consider future outcomes when making decisions
- Manage trade-offs
- Embrace a leadership mindset

Cover : Softcover
Author : Harvard Business Review
Language : English
ISBN : 9781633696938

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