How High Will You Climb?

IDR 199.000
A positive attitude comes easy in times of joy and progress. But the real test of character comes during times of turmoil and conflict--which are always just on the horizon. When the skies above appear stormy, how will you steer that internal plane we call attitude?In How High Will You Climb? bestselling author and pastor John C. Maxwell emphasizes that even in the worst of storms, we are never flying solo.

With God supporting our approach in every challenge that comes our way, we have the power to choose--yes, choose--the attitude we take with us on our journey. Oftentimes our outward expression and attitude during conflict is every bit as critical as the inward struggle, and our approach to the struggles in our family, in work, in life in general will actually determine the outcome more than the actual struggle. The choice is yours--when your path brings you through your next storm, how high will you climb?

Cover : Hardcover
Author : John C. Maxwell
Language : English
ISBN : 9781400205912

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