How To Die Happy

IDR 389.000
How can you achieve long-lasting happiness? Or transform your relationship with fear, death, or grief? What is happiness anyway?

All these questions (and more) are asked and answered in How To Die Happy.

Exploring themes around life "at Earth School" — depression, consumption, distraction, emotions, ego, and the pursuit of success, How To Die Happy examines why many of us feel robbed of bliss, joy, and peace. More importantly, it's a guide to happiness while embracing the paradoxical fact that happiness is as impermanent as everything else.

Former high-functioning alcoholic adman Martin O'Toole once lived a wild life of excess, oblivious of how his childhood trauma had profoundly impaired his emotional maturation. A near-suicidal event was the launchpad for his learning about mental health's complexities — lessons, he muses: he "ought to have been taught as a child".

Leaving the hectic pace of London for the contrasting peace of the tropical island of Bali, O'Toole set out to heal his various neuroses. This extensive process of self-help work led to discovering what he calls the "Anatomy of Happy" — a methodology detailed in this book.

How To Die Happy distils the secrets to living and dying well. This book cherry-picks Eastern philosophies like Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism, connecting their relationship to mindfulness and psychological practices.

The author shares tales of loss, self-suffering, forgiveness, love, and the miraculous healing power of psychedelic plant medicines. He deftly tackles serious subject matter in fun, often self-effacing and lighthearted ways. Perhaps, unusually, these are not lessons offered by an enlightened guru or a PhD but by a self-professed, fallible "man on the mend".

Cover : Softcover
Author : Martin O'Toole
Language : English
ISBN : 9781739315504

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