How to Love Yourself

IDR 269.000
An inspiring guide to self-love from best-selling author and modern spiritual leader Teal Swan, who has over 2.8 million followers across YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.

The journey to self-love can seem treacherous, especially in times of struggle. In this book, spiritual leader and best-selling author Teal Swan reveals that self-love is always achievable, whatever the circumstances. Through a comprehensive self-love toolkit, she shows you how to love yourself and heal your life.

In this revised and updated edition of the popular Shadows Before Dawn, Teal bares her own experiences as an alienated extrasensory child and victim of abuse, revealing how she turned her life around, overcame self-hate and transformed her suffering into self-love and joy. To guide you on your own journey of healing and transformation, Teal shares the 29 extraordinary methods and techniques that she used to find self-love. These life-changing tools will help you to develop self-worth, practice self-love, learn to "fill your own cup", love your body, and step into your purpose.

Fans of The Anatomy of Loneliness will appreciate this no-nonsense guide from Teal on how to love yourself, even when life gets tough.

Cover : Softcover
Author : Teal Swan
Language : English
ISBN : 9781786787002

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