On Confidence

IDR 299.000
A thought-provoking essay that teaches us that confidence is not a gift from the gods, but a skill that can be learned.

We spend vast amounts of time acquiring confidence in narrow technical fields: quadratic equations or bioengineering; economics or pole vaulting. But we overlook the primordial need to acquire a more free-ranging variety of confidence - one that can serve us across a range of tasks: speaking to strangers at parties, asking someone to marry us, suggesting a fellow passenger turn down their music, changing the world.

This is a guidebook to confidence, why we lack it and how we can acquire more of it in our lives. On Confidence walks us gently and wryly around the key issues that stop us from making more of our potential.

Cover : Hardcover
Author : The School of Life
Language : English
ISBN : 97809955736731

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